31 January 2018

The Human Rights Ripple Effect

Human rights successes are hard-won, require the coordinated efforts of many people working in solidarity — often across backgrounds, sectors, and even international borders—and are often overlooked by mainstream media, which focuses on the disastrous here, now, and clickable. But N-Map sees successes all the time. And we use video and other media not just as a means of winning some of the toughest cases and campaigns within the human rights movement, but as a way to amplify those successes in order to create a ripple effect.

How? By working in the grassroots.

…We became involved in the case when Accountability Counsel—the human rights lawyers who supported the communities in their research, complaint, and negotiation process—asked N-Map to produce a video explaining how this innovative approach to justice enabled a historic success. Gabino was one of the Oaxaca community leaders who participated in the effort, and in working with him it became clear that they also wanted to share their story with their neighbors in the region and beyond, in order to warn their fellow citizens of potential vulnerability to similar projects.

Read the full article here.